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Mental Health Support

Pensioners Link provides daily activities, friendship, counselling and support for older people who feel isolated to help improve confidence and positive mental wellbeing.


There are a range of other organisations that can help you improve your mental health and wellbeing. 

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Urgent Help

If you feel that you need to access urgent help and support with your mental health, please contact one of the following: 


  • Wigan mental health urgent response team - 0800 953 0285 (24 hours a day)

  • The Samaritans - 116123 (24 hours a day)

  • CALM Helpline (for men) - 0800 58 58 58 (5pm to midnight every day)

  • Contact your GP and ask for an urgent appointment 

  • If you feel your life is at risk, or you feel someone else's life is at risk, please call 999

Bereavement Support

Follow this link here for a range of organisations who can help support you through a bereavement: Link to Bereavement Support.

Local NHS Mental Health Services 

The Greater Manchester Mental Health Foundation Trust delivers community and inpatient mental health support across the North West.

Click the link above or call 0161 773 9121. 


The Foundation Trust's Mental Health Link Workers provide mental health advice, support and guidance to people (ages 18+) who are registered with a Wigan GP.  

Click the link above or call 01942 481 301. 


Wigan 'Talking Therapies' offers support for people with a common mental health condition, such as low mood, mild to moderate depression and anxiety.  This is a service for people (ages 16+) who are registered with a Wigan GP. 

Click the link above for a self referral or call 01942 764 449. 


Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS Foundation Trust - counselling services.  One to one assessment and counselling services for people age 16+ across Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh.  You can get a referral to this service from your GP, or contact them directly on 01942 483 483 or 07385 463 233. 



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